Piano People

When I was a little girl, I wanted to play the piano more than anything. At around 7 or 8 years old, I often walked into our neighborhood piano teacher’s house and sat on her hallway bench to listen to her play. I signed myself up for lessons one day, and my parents were horrified….

Yes to Homeschool Senior Projects

In many schools, a senior project is required for graduation. When schools (& students!) take it seriously, there is a tremendous opportunity for comprehensive learning and personal growth. Senior projects are a worthwhile graduation requirement and a wonderful tradition. Senior or “Capstone” projects are important because they encourage students to think outside their academic boxes…

Keeping Track: Sports & Activities

Parents of high schoolers, this is for you! Non-sporty teens and student-athletes alike know they have to be highly involved in their community in order to score those coveted college acceptance letters. Keeping a running log of their sports and hobbies will help them exponentially down the road. Competitive colleges look for active students, and…

Create Space for Writing

“What is most important and valuable about the home as a base for children’s growth into the world is not that it is a better school than the schools, but that it isn’t a school at all.” — John Holt When learning is the goal, our environment is everything. Dedicating space for learning is critical…

Homeschool, then College?

Is that even possible? Absolutely, it is. While we didn’t have a recipe to follow, we did have a lot of faith in the process. In the end, our journey from homeschooling to college acceptance was two parts roller-coaster, one part smooth-sailing, a little worry, and a dash of excitement — probably the same as…

April’s Poet

Is there a better time than Spring to appreciate the beauty of nature, the nature of our souls, the soul of our world, and our world of love and beauty? Definitely not. Spring brings with it a fountain of poetry that drops us wordies to our knees. poetry [ poh-i-tree ] noun the art of rhythmical…

Best Reads of 2022

For awhile I could not remember some word I was in need of. and then I was bereaved and said: where are you, beloved friend? Oliver, Mary. A Thousand Mornings. Penguin Books, 2012. p. 9. When I look back on my reading list for any given year, I am inspired by the authors who laid…

Playing the Brain Game

“Music is a universal language. It can transport us; help us relive special moments; make us healthier, happier and more connected as family, friends, and as part of a larger community.” – Concord Conservatory of Music The benefits of playing a musical instrument are well-documented and vast. Our children are piano players. Playing a musical…

Master Your Homeschool Mission

This may be redundant, but with the renewed attention to homeschools everywhere, I don’t mind repeating: Every family is unique, and each homeschool is different. If you are considering a switch to homeschool life, the best way to start is by establishing some ground rules. Think about your family’s core values, goals, and overall vision…

Home Sweet (Home) School

It’s a beautiful thing, sitting here, on the other side of fierce and giant and scary risk. I do like to dip my toes in things that scare me, but right now, I am happy to bask in my comfort zone for a while. Ten years ago, we had an idea to try homeschooling so…